A 3D Recreation of Samuli Heimonen's "Jatkoaika"

March 2019


Samuli Heimonen’s paintings in general are very interesting to look at, while having few yet complex subjects. Most notably, the details and the textures in his paintings are very stylistic. We chose the painting "Jatkoaika", because the textures in particular seemed interesting to recreate. The high relief style of the boxes on the horse and the swirling fur of the panther really stood out to us. This decision was a lot harder than we thought it would be, but the finished product was worth it. Also, the subject matter of the panther just relaxing on the horses back  seemed like a fun concept to recreate in 3D.   

This project was a joint effort. I modeled and textured the panther and background. The horse was modeled and textured by my partner Jin "Annie" Zhang.

The project was modeled, textured, and rendered in Maya 2018 and Arnold.

To create a good sense of depth, Annie and I sculpted our own 3D textures based off of the original 2D texture we took from the painting.

4-view. Work in process.

About the Original Artist Samuli Heimonen


Samuli Heimonen was born in 1975 in Saarijärvi, Central Finland. Heimonen, who now lives and works in Jyväskylä, graduated from a Master's Degree Program in Fine Arts in 2002.

He held his first solo exhibition in 2000 and participated in joint exhibitions both in Finland and abroad since 1998.

Samuli Heimonen was chosen as the Young Artist of the Year in 2008 and has also been awarded the Medal of the Tapperien Art Society in 2003.

Samuli Heimonen's works can be found in the collections of the Finnish State, the Helsinki City Art Museum, the Tampere Art Museum, the Paulo Foundation, the Salo Art Museum, the Kouvola Art Museum, the Mikkeli Art Museum, the Tuusula Art Museum and the Herala and Mannila Foundation collections. Publicly available works by Samuli Heimonen include: at the Porvoo Library, the Rose Park Building of the University of Jyväskylä and the Kangasniemi Municipal House - Translated from his website.

According to a post that Heimonen wrote on boredpanda, he is very interested in the language of dreams and the logic and poetry that can be found in them. Due to this many of his works have a fantastical and surreal quality to them. Nature and animals are also extremely important to him, therefore he often adds underlying themes of nature preservation and animal rights to his paintings.

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