Our Digital Profile: Visualizing Our Online Data

October 2020


The goal of the generative work, Our Digital Profile, is to visualize how personal data is being gathered, through a method of online surveillance, to create a digital profile/portrait of ourselves whenever we interact with the internet. When the user plays the sketch, they will see webcam footage of themselves. Depending on the time of day, based on the average hourly data of online-social traffic (in a 24-hour cycle), the user will see their face morph into a string of ASCII text reminiscent of binary code. As online-social traffic use, in a moment in time, increases the rate at which the user's face transforms into “data” will also increase.

The Our Digital Profile demo also includes a test mode, so the user can see the visualization at different times without having to wait for the actual time to change. Once the test mode is unchecked, the sketch will use the real date and time once again. The time of the image above was 11:24 AM.

Tools and Resources

Libraries: p5.js & ml5.js

Data: Chartbeat - 

"best time to post on social"

Using Format