Seven Lives (Ghost Cat)

October 2019


"No matter how hard you try, you just can't get used to Havoc not greeting you at the door. Even so, you can't shake the feeling that he's still here somehow."

In the interactive experience, "Seven Lives (Ghost Cat)", your deceased pet cat, Havoc, comes back as a ghost. He must be happy to see you, because during his life he has never obeyed your commands as quickly as he does now. Still,  it seems your voice ties his spirit to earth, so if you stop interacting with him, there is a risk he will disappear forever...

... or be reincarnated as a dog... He is suspiciously obedient for a cat named Havoc.

Voice Commands & Animations:

Jump, Play, Spin, Leap, Sit

Idle Animations:

Walk, Slither, Lie Down

Made in Unity. 


Madelaine Fischer-Bernhut 

VFX Assets and Shader Design, VFX & Depthkit Video Integration, Level Design, Voice Commands Development

Isaak Shingray 

GUI, Start scene

Dimitra Grovestine 

VFX Assets

Ermar Tanglao 


Franscico Samayoa 


Melissa Roberts 

Depthkit Capture

Denzel Arthur

Level Design

Yasmine Liang 


Using Format